Landon has not been very excited about school. He is a smart cookie and I think he realizes that his days of carefree video gaming are over (until college...well, and maybe summer breaks!). :-)
Today was his first day of kindergarten as a Teravista Tiger. He woke up right on time, and after only telling me once or twice that he wasn't going and he was too tired and seven hours was too long, he got dressed in his new Batman shirt, gathered his things, and I took him to school to eat breakfast. Our little friend, Madison, met us in the cafeteria, and we took her to her classroom first, and then went on to Landon's room. His teacher, Mrs. Goertz, greeted us, and had playdoh out on the tables for the kids to play with. Landon went right over to his table and sat down. My "Mr. Independent" was ready to go....see ya, Mom...thanks for five years of it's off to the "real" world to learn to read and write and all that other good stuff. ;-)
Lincoln, Leia, and I picked him up after school and he was in good spirits. He said the best part was free time where he got to play with blocks and playdoh. He also liked PE and recess. His teacher said, "it was an okay day for the first day of kindergarten." Hah! She has a challenging job, to say the least, and I'm already trying to show her we appreciate her by bringing her treats. The boys helped me make cookies tonight that we will bring tomorrow, and today we brought some Avon treats and a Sonic drink after school. I'm all about bribery and giving gifts and treats is my preferred way to encourage others and show them I care.