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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Texas Day

1st time celebrating Texas Lincoln's preschool. His favorite part was the hay ride. :-) Lincoln and Leia both ate the chili- I was so surprised! Lincoln had 2 bowls!

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Love My Family

Sweet Friends

Ah, these precious girls are adorable. We treasure our Tuesday play dates.

Potty Training

Arggghh....the joys of potty training! Started Leia this week and attempted to go straight to underwear...not going so well. More accidents than success so far.


We are expecting our fourth child August 7th...a little boy! Lincoln is already calling him Luke Skywalker. ;-)
Thankful for God's faithfulness and blessing us with children. Never a dull moment!

Miracle Baby

This is the miracle baby God has blessed my brother and sister in law with. Praising Him for this amazing new life! Love this baby so much already!